By Daniel Chun
For over a decade now (since 2012), OpenHeart is the most reliable and preferred silent auction system that is invented by two computer science graduates Daniel Chun and Samuel Choy in Hong Kong. Samuel was one of first student interns that Art Group Limited mentored back in 2010. The original concept grew out of the founder Daniel Chun who was heading one the charity organisation in Hong Kong as the part-time Executive Director for Kids4Kids charity during his PhD readership. OpenHeart has made a significant impact by serving over 700+ charity events, providing advisory services to many gala committees, and helping artists promote their artwork while raising over HK$700 Million for charity causes since its debut at the Asian Charity Service Inaugural Ball in 2012.
OpenHeart has been the most trusted brand in this third sector when comes to fundraising. Our services have provided support to charities not only in Hong Kong, in fact we have served in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Singapore, Australia and even remotely in Cambodia and South Africa.